Sunday, December 26, 2004
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Monday, December 20, 2004
Sunday, December 12, 2004
A Family Holiday Photo
Today, my Mom attempted to get a nice holiday photo of all three of us.
Well, it was a challenge.

Little Guy didn't want to wear the Santa hat.
Neither did Cosette.

Here is the one where we are all fairly cooperative. Of course
we aren't lined up with the proper stockings! Oh well!
(Notice that even though I'm the smallest dog, I have the biggest stocking!)

Cosette had taken off and I decided I'd have enough too!
dogs in costumes,
little guy,
rusty the dog
Wednesday, December 8, 2004
Saturday, December 4, 2004
Here It Is...
This year's photo with Santa...
There's a holiday street fair in my neighborhood every December. This is my 3rd year meeting Santa! He's very nice and will hopefully bring me some yummy treats and new chew toys. I had on my Santa suit and hat and got lots of attention from everyone.
Cosette and Little Guy had to stay home. Cosette gets nervous in crowds and Little Guy would've barked too much. I did share some of the dog biscuits I got with them.
My mom was excited because some guy named Peter Krause said "hi" to me. He's on a show she likes to watch called "Six Feet Under." To me, he was just another guy noticing how handsome I was in my holiday attire!
santa claus,
santa paws
Sunday, November 28, 2004
I haven't updated in awhile, so here are a few things that have happened lately:
Oh boy! My buddy Cheryl came over a few minutes ago. Her mom who's visiting from out of town came with her! I got to sit on her mom's lap & get a nice massage!
Nothing to really report from Thanksgiving. My mom and dad go to Disneyland every year, so I stay home alone with Cosette and Little Guy all day and evening. We had a boring day, but mom and day had fun. My mom had been pretty sick for the past two weeks, but was doing much better by last Thursday.
Little Guy got sick Thanksgiving night. He started coughing and did so most of the night. He went to the vet on Friday and got some medicine. She said he has an upper respiratory infection. He tends to get this once a year or so.
It's pretty cold for Southern California right now. My dad has been putting fires in the fireplace to keep us warm. It's nice and cozy!
I'm off to find a warm person to snuggle up to!
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Saturday, November 20, 2004
My day started with a bath and lots of grooming....paws trimmed, teeth brushed, etc. Then, my mom and I took a pretty long ride in the car. We stopped in a strange neighborhood so I could walk for awhile. I met some nice kids.
After the walk, we went to a building where there were lots of nice people. Turns out it was my Delta Society test. Delta Society is a national organization that registers therapy dogs. They were running a bit behind, we waited some and then got started.
I PASSED! Hopefully this means I'll be going back to work soon. I miss working with the kids at the hospital.

therapy dog
Thursday, November 18, 2004
I went to the vet today for a check-up. It was a new location, but a vet I used to see at the old building. I was happy to see her. Well, that is until she did something to me...let's just say I didn't do my "business" this morning, but I needed to have a poop test.
Anyway, I'm healthy and ready to take my therapy dog test this coming Saturday.

Here's a picture of me resting on my dad's knee!
P.S. I'm not sad in the photo, just relaxed and sleepy. Maybe a little annoyed that my mom had to take 20 pictures of me!
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Another Birthday!
Happy Birthday to Cosette, my big sister, my friend, my mentor, and my protector! She's 12 years old today, but she acts much younger! She is a very smart dog and has taught me lots.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Sunday, November 7, 2004
What's better than snuggling up with a warm human and taking a nap? Not much, I think!

Little Guy and Rusty snuggling up with a blanket.
little guy,
rusty the dog,
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
I'm not going to complain in this entry so much! There are some good things about the rain. After a very dry summer, we are now seeing green grass in our back yard again. When it drys out some, I plan to go back there and roll around!
Also, this weather is great for napping. One of my favorite things to do is curl up in the bed with my mom or dad. My mom loves taking naps on gloomy days, so we've had lots of snuggle time!
My mom has been talking about another "test" I have to take next month. After that, I may be returning to some therapy dog work! I'm very excited about that!
And what the heck, here's a picture for all to enjoy:
I love naps,
rusty the dog,
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Before I got a chance to write about the sun coming out, it started raining again! Oh bother!
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
The current daily routine is my mom literally pushing all of us out into the rain while chanting "go potty go potty go potty go potty go potty go potty....." It's too cold and wet! I'll go on the screened-in patio, thank you very much!
(I won't write what my mom says then!)
Monday, October 18, 2004
It's Raining!
It rarely rains where I live, but has been doing so off and on for a few days now. We do need it, but I don't like it. My paws get wet and cold when I go outside, so I protest. However, my mom makes me go anyway to "go potty." Ugh!
The up side is that it has cooled off quite a bit though
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Monday, October 11, 2004
Sunday, October 3, 2004
Check out the cool cake our buddy Cheryl brought over for my mom! It had Little Guy's picture on it!

Too bad us doggies didn't get any!
However, we did get this special treat:

Frosty Paws® are a frozen treat for dogs. Sort of like non-dairy ice cream. Dairy products are not easy for canines to digest, so this is a good alternative. And they are really yummy! We all got one to celebrate Little Guy and Mom's birthdays!
little guy
Friday, October 1, 2004
Happy Birthday Little Guy!
Today is my best buddy and big brother's birthday! Little Guy is 8 years old today!

Oh yeah, and it's my mom's birthday too today!
little guy
Friday, September 24, 2004
The Evidence
A photo of my whiskers:
Only a few short ones remain on the left.
What's the deal?
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Where Are My Whiskers?
Well, the good news is my mom is home! She got home yesterday. We won't discuss how she came home, hugged and petted us, and went right back out again for a long time. But, she is home today, emptying the bags she brought back.
My mom and dad noticed that my longest whiskers from the left side of my face are suddenly missing! I don't even know what happened. My mom thinks a bird or something go to me, but no, I don't think so! I'm quicker than that! So, just waiting to see if they grow back. Very strange!
I'm heading back to the fan. It is so hot here...still!
P.S. My mom wasn't able to get us souvenirs, so she bought some special beef dinner for us last night!
***I didn't lose my whiskers in the fan. It's up on a table. I lie on my mom's bed and catch the breeze, but I can't get anywhere near it!***
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
My mom's going away for several days. She's been home a lot recently, but she's been very busy working on a "project." I'll post when she gets home.
Sunday, September 12, 2004
It's Hot!
Man, it is so hot here! I keep hearing "end of summer" blah, blah, blah...but it's hotter than it has been all summer. It isn't even cooling down too much at night. I've been lying in front of a fan when I can. It's just too hot to run around as much as I like to.
In other news, I have to go see the vet tomorrow. I'm healthy, but I'm due for a shot which isn't fun. I really don't mind going so much though. I meet lots of nice people in the waiting room and sometimes I even get a treat. The worst thing is that awful metal table I have to stand on. Sometimes I complain and they get a towel for me!
***Update: Monday,11:30 am: Things went okay at the vet. That metal table really does bug me though! I got a few shots, had some blood drawn, and had a foxtail removed from my ear. Ugh! Now I think I'll settle in for a nice long nap!
dog days of summer,
Friday, September 3, 2004
The Ultimate Pup Quiz!
(Not limited to pups, you older dogs can take it too!)
1. Are you male or female? Male
2. Are you a mixed breed or a full breed? Mixed, Pomeranian/Chihuahua
3. Long tail, or short tail? Long
4. How many people do you live with? 2
5. Perky ears or floppy? Perky
6. What’s your favorite toy? Hard dinosaur chew toy
7. What’s your favorite treat? Charlee Bears
8. Do you like to play games? Yes, 'keep away' with my mom!
9. Where do you sleep? In bed with my mom, dad, and 2 other dogs!
10. What is your favorite time of day? Dinner time!
11. What is your least favorite time of day? When my mom and dad go out.
12. How old are you? 4 1/2 years old
13. Do you watch t.v.? Yes. I especially like watching Smallville with my dad.
14. Can you walk on a leash? Oh yeah!
15. Where is your favorite place to go with your people? Anywhere. I hate being left home alone.
16. Where is your least favorite place to go with your people? The vet isn't too fun, but I do meet nice people in the waiting room.
17. Do you bark a lot or a little? Very little. I'm learning from Little Guy though and sometimes bark at the squirrels in the back yard. Also, I occasionally bark if I'm sleeping and get startled.
18. Do you like to get a bath? Not really. I'm better than I used to be though. I don't scratch my mom anymore.
19. Do you have fleas? No, thanks to the medicine I get on my back once a month.
20. What do you want to do the most? Sit on a human's lap and get petted.
21. Why? I love people and I love being petted!
22. Do you like to chase smaller animals? Yes. There is a baby bird incident I'm not too proud of.
23. Do you like to chase bigger animals? Definitely!
24. How many dogs in your house? 3
25. How many different animals in your house? 2, if you count the humans.
26. Are you a happy fella? Oh yes!
pup quiz,
rusty the dog
Wednesday, September 1, 2004
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Canine Good Citizen
I passed my Canine Good Citizen test today! I've done a similar test before for Therapy Dog work, but needed an updated one. My mom was worried I wouldn't pass because I was stubborn on doing my "down," but I did it and all was well.
rusty the dog,
therapy dog
Saturday, August 21, 2004
From the Los Angeles Times on August 19, 2004:
"The Los Angeles City Council, looking to give dogs a boost in their standard of living, voted Wednesday to draft an ordinance that would set strict standards for doghouses and outlaw the practice of permanently chaining the animals in yards."
los angeles,
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
A Sunday Outing
I got to go on an outing today with my mom and dad. We went to Venice Beach, walked on the boardwalk, and shopped for cheap sunglasses (for them, not me!) There were so many people and dogs! My mom carried me part of the way because it was very crowded and she was worried I would get stepped on, rolled on, or bicycled on! There were so many good smells between all of the food stands and the ocean.
After our walk, we stopped so my mom and dad could get some dinner. I got some doggie treats while they ate and met some more dogs. Here's a photo of me hanging out while they were getting some food:

Little Guy and Cosette had to stay home, but they each got nice walks after we got home.
rusty the dog
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Happiness Is...
A big bone-shaped plush toy that can also be used as a pillow.

rusty the dog
Monday, August 9, 2004
Hey Mr. Meter Man!
Oops! My mom forgot to mention to my dad that the meter reader was coming today. Also, she forgot to close the dog door. So, my dad woke up to find me and Little Guy barking our heads off at the Meter Man in the back yard. Luckily, we are pretty nice and don't bite, but I don't think the guy was too happy. He probably laughed at Little Guy's yappy bark!
I'm off to try to stay cool. It truly is the "Dog Days of Summer," as they say.
rusty the dog
Monday, July 26, 2004
They're Back!
My mom and dad went out of town for 4 days, but came home Sunday night. Our buddy, Cheryl, took good care of us while they were away. But we were 3 excited dogs when they came in!
Give me and my mom a couple of days to catch up....
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